
Member Since: 6/7/2004
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Nigel Kennedy

Artist Song
Nigel Kennedy  Chanson de Matin, Op. 15, No. 2  
Nigel Kennedy  Swing 39  
Nigel Kennedy  Salut D'Amour, Op. 12  
Kennedy, Doug Boyle, John Etheridge, Dave Heath, Rory McFarlane, Emma Black, Gerri Sutyak & Kate St. John  Purple Haze  


Marketed as the antic young prince of classical music in the late '80s — complete with Aston Villa scarf and startled hedgehog hair — violinist Nigel Kennedy made the transition from mercurial kid prodigy to original crossover superstar with ease. On a one-man mission to make the great composers (or the "old guys", as he has called them) accessible to modern pop audiences, he took sales of Vivaldi's [i]The Four Seasons[/i] into the realms of the phenomenal in 1989. We open with "La Primavera".

Kennedy throws some Duke Ellington into the mix, in Next Steps.
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