
Member Since: 6/7/2004
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Peter Bjorn and John

Artist Song


Like the Scorpions' "Wind of Change" and Otis Redding's "(Sittin' On) The Dock of the Bay", PB&J's "Young Folks" — the band's 2006 breakthrough single — has joined the elite pantheon of great whistling songs, but there's much more to the Swedish trio's output than tuneful lip-pursing. Formed in Stockholm in 1999 around a shared interest in new wave and baroque pop, Peter Moren, Bjorn Yttling and John Eriksson started to register on the international map with 2005's [i]Falling Out[/i], an album that radiated invention and packed the fizzing, heart-baring "Teen Love". Follow-up [i]Writer's Block[/i] was even better, ramping up the production finesse (with a gracefully delivered nod in the direction of Phil Spector) and offering solid claims to indie greatness with tracks like "Let's Call It Off" and "Objects of My Affection." Kanye West fell for the band's many charms and sang live with them in Gothenburg, 2007 (coaxing "Young Folks" down a rap alley), since when the largely instrument
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