
Member Since: 4/4/2001
Total Mixes: 110
Total Feedback: 8

Jenn1234's Mixes

Jenn1234's Favorite Mixes

Jenn1234's Mixes

Cassette | Mixed Genre
This is a tape I made for my friend Greg to introduce him to all my "chick-rock" that everyone makes fun of me for listening to! It's also to wish him good luck with the ladies now that he's a college  …
Cassette | Mixed Genre
This is my tape inspired by the events in New York City and Washington on September 11, 2001. I wanted to make this a tape full of both fighting songs (Zombie), strength songs (Walk On), and inspiratio …
CD | Mixed Genre
I'm going through a really bad period of low self-esteem right now, so this is a mix I made of all the women I wish I could be like. Hopefully it'll inspire me.
Cassette | Mixed Genre
This may not seem like a depressing mix, and it's not, but this has been a really shitty summer...that explains the title. These are just the songs I've been listening to the most this summer.
Cassette | Mixed Genre
This is a tape I made for my friend Greg as a high school graduation present. I wanted to introduce him to some of my favorite music, yet at the same time I wanted to impart some of the "wisdom" I've g …
Cassette | Mixed Genre
This is a mix I made for my friend Matt as a high school graduation present. I just want to prove to him that there is more to music than Bruce Hornsby. The title is a quote from one of my favorite mov …
Cassette | Mixed Genre
I'm going through a really hard time in my life right now, so I made this collection of songs that tend to make me happier when I'm sad. Well, they don't necessarily make me happy, they make me - conte …
Cassette | Mixed Genre
Just a mix I made for my friend Jen. She listens to all that pop and R&B stuff, so I scrounged my CD collection to dig up some stuff she might like.
Cassette | Mixed Genre
Just a tape I made for my friend Victoria.