
Member Since: 4/19/2001
Total Mixes: 13
Total Feedback: 5

melissa12345678's Mixes

melissa12345678's Favorite Mixes

melissa12345678's Mixes

CD | Mixed Genre
i like to listen to this cd when i'm falling asleep at night. it's comforting and slow and so nice. and the title comes from the book i used to love as a kid.
CD | Mixed Genre
this started off as a mostly girls artist cd, but slowly evolved to a mixed mix. the title is something i pulled from my head.
CD | Mixed Genre
this is one of my favorite mixes. shows my eclectic taste in music, i think. (but then again, i'm biased because its mine!)
CD | Mixed Genre
this is mostly a happy mix. i love mixing genres and time periods. i've got some older songs on here, some new. it's a fun mix.
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