becky sue1

Member Since: 4/25/2001
Total Mixes: 48
Total Feedback: 4

becky sue1's Mixes

becky sue1's Favorite Mixes

becky sue1's Mixes

Cassette | Mixed Genre
Yep. Nice, isn't it?
Cassette | Mixed Genre
Driving tape. Another one. I think it'll make me happy. I could use some happiness right now.
Mini-Disc | Theme - Depression
I'm just not feeling all that great tonight so I just put this together as a collection of my like, ultimate depression songs. Every single one of these makes me want to curl up in a tiny little ball a …
Cassette | Mixed Genre
I think I was drunk when I made this. Except I don't drink, so that can't be it. I don't know what other circumstances could produce a tape like this though. Maybe I'm just weird.
Cassette | Mixed Genre
I started making this tape yesterday morning because I wanted something to listen to on a long drive that I was going to take and I ended up working on the tape until it was too late for my drive. Typi …
Cassette | Mixed Genre
New driving tape because I haven't made a good one in a while. I don't know about this one. Well, we'll see how I like it when I've got it in the car.
Cassette | Mixed Genre
For Tyler. I don't know why I haven't posted this yet. I made it months ago. I still haven't given it to him. I'm tempted to remake it now. These are all songs I was in love with a month or two ago. I' …
Cassette | Mixed Genre
I finally got bored with my last car tape, so this is something new to listen to while driving around. I managed to not repeat any songs from previous car tapes, so I'm happy. I really like this. And s …
Cassette | Mixed Genre
("snatch him up in a butterfly net; pin him down in a photograph album. then at least he won't get away while you decide if he's waht you want.") You can tell I have some conflicting emotions on this t …
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