jessikah dragon

Member Since: 5/9/2001
Total Mixes: 18
Total Feedback: 7

jessikah dragon's Mixes

jessikah dragon's Favorite Mixes

jessikah dragon's Mixes

Cassette | Mixed Genre
for ben / october 2004
Cassette | Mixed Genre
for ben / summer 2005
CD | Mixed Genre
for ben / winter 2005
CD | Mixed Genre
this is for sarah. it's about: a) my undying sisterly love for her, b) her trip to nyc to see quasi and make out, c) her trip to mexico during which i will cry every day because i miss her so much, d)  …
Cassette | Theme
the first side is boy songs: about leaving and running away and farawayness... kind of long distance. i just realized i put go coastal on like, every mix i make. i must only make mixes for people going …
CD | Theme - Romantic
this is a sort of unconventional love songs mix for a sort of unconventional boy, because we have an unconventional relationship. i put happy pop songs and some indie stuff because that's what i like,  …
Cassette | Theme - Road Trip
sarah told me to make her a tape for her trip to bend so i did and this is what happened. side A is called "i'm in love but i'm lazy" and side B is "so won't you please come home?"
CD | Mixed Genre
it's okay to be emo but really, it's all about pop music.
Cassette | Theme
this is kind of lame, but fairly comprehensive.
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