
Member Since: 5/13/2001
Total Mixes: 146
Total Feedback: 48

pandorra0's Mixes

pandorra0's Favorite Mixes

pandorra0's Mixes

Cassette | Mixed Genre
this is for my friend mel, the naked boys in the title are the bomb squad at her air force base.
Cassette | Mixed Genre
jill taped me the spongebob squarepants soundtrack, its only 9 minutes long, so i made a tape out of the rest of it. the title comes from the "f.u.n. song"
Cassette | Mixed Genre
this was made for a trade. "iieee" is a cover of tori amos, meegs is from coal chamber and jessica is from jack off jill/scarling.
Cassette | Theme
this is for the fourth installment of our zine "the girl in the hoodie" most of the songs are slow and sad because its winter, and thats what i listen to. "sarah cynthia sylvia stout" is actually tori  …
Cassette | Mixed Genre
this was made for a trade for sarah of the screamqueen distro. the title comes from "the way of colleen"
Cassette | Mixed Genre
this was made for a trade. the title is from "san fancisco"
Cassette | Mixed Genre
the title is from "mermaid legs"
Cassette | Mixed Genre
this was made for amy for christmas, since she invited me over for a party and i had nothing for her. i remember her saying that she wanted to hear the beck song again while in taco bell, and i saw wee …
Cassette | Single Artist
bjork mix on a 74 min. tape.
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