
Member Since: 6/2/2001
Total Mixes: 27
Total Feedback: 5

Pander Zine Distro www.panderzinedistro.com

jill-chanie1's Mixes

jill-chanie1's Favorite Mixes

jill-chanie1's Mixes

Cassette | Mixed Genre
a strange, moody mix i made this afternoon on a 1/2 day of school driven inspiration or something. i was making it for myself, then for my friend beth, then...i just think i'll make a copy for both of  …
Cassette | Theme - Romantic
the title comes from the lisa loeb song and was made as a going-away-to-art-school tape for a very beautiful girl who i love to pieces.
Cassette | Theme - Romantic
pandorra0 made this tape for me last spring. the full title is "music to know you off yr feet vol. #1 -dance across the milky way- i love this mix and i love her.
Cassette | Mixed Genre
This tape is made for the 5 girls and a few cool architecure boys who i met at ball state in an art workshop. Drawing 11 hours a day i converted several of my classmates into Weezer fans, and they want …
Cassette | Mixed Genre
This a sort of going-back-to-my-roots tape with a few new songs thrown in, or maybe it's just songs I like. Anyway, I've been listening to it all morning and I'm very happy with it and plan of giving a …
Cassette | Mixed Genre
This is the first mix tape i ever created, posted here for your amusment/reference/memory. It was recorded soley off Q101, a alternative rock station out of chicago over the span of summer to fall 1997 …
Cassette | Mixed Genre
Is it possible to make a mixtape of a mixtape? i pirated this 45 minute half tape mix from a mix by the lovely pandorra. a crooked pink heart shaped piece of confetti crookedly scotched taped in the ma …
Cassette | Single Artist
2nd tape I made of all my favorite tori songs. includes tori quote from the sandman comic book series: "facts are engraved hierograms for which the fewest have the key."
Cassette | Single Artist
this was my first attempt at fitting all my favorite tori songs on one blank tape. listened to almost exclusivly during the winter months of norhtwest indiana. includes appropriate tori winter quote: " …
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