
Member Since: 3/20/1999
Total Mixes: 111
Total Feedback: 1

brodiebanky37's Mixes

brodiebanky37's Favorite Mixes

brodiebanky37's Mixes

Cassette | Mixed Genre
ok so i got a little carried away with the m:i 2 soundtrack. i couldn't help it there are a lot of great songs on it. the end of the tape is all from a cover cd called newer wave. all in all it's a pre …
Cassette | Mixed Genre
a mix i made for myself last night. i just bought the veruca salt, thrill kill kult, cypress hill, and apartment 26 cds so i figured it was time for a new mix. nails, tool, peppers, and foo fighters ar …
Cassette | Mixed Genre
a little mix showcasing my new cds (with a few old songs thrown in for good measure). this may sound stupid but i just discovered that the crystal meth song happens to be the theme for third watch whic …
Cassette | Single Artist
two single artist mixes in one week. that has to be some kind of record for me. one of my friends told me she loves ed and i told her i had all their cds. she asked me to make her a mix and this is wha …
Cassette | Single Artist
i made this mix in honour of seeing korn last week. great show by the way. it's mostly in chronological order. i believe that divine is the only one out of order. i had to put it at the end of the 1st  …
Cassette | Mixed Genre
this is a mix for losingsoul. i just got a nine inch nails tribute and a ministry tribute so 7 of these songs are from those 2 cds. the title of the mix comes from the chaotica song. now all i need is  …
Cassette | Mixed Genre
i'm not sure why i made this mix. i made it for a friend of mine just for the hell of it. we drove up to new york together a couple of weeks ago and she was singing along with all my tapes and i realiz …
Cassette | Mixed Genre
my ex-girlfriend called me the other day (we're still friends) and asked me to make her another mix. she said she hasn't gotten anything new for awhile and wanted some heavy music. i told her that heav …
Cassette | Mixed Genre
a mix for by best friend for his bday next week. the title is actually a line from mystery men (which i watched while making the second side) my buddy is very gaseous so this was extremely appropriate. …
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