
Member Since: 3/28/1999
Total Mixes: 91
Total Feedback: 2

I've been a DJ for 25 years and like a variety of music but mostly indie/alternative.

Bobzilla1's Mixes

Bobzilla1's Favorite Mixes

Bobzilla1's Mixes

Cassette | Mixed Genre
Made this one for Stephen ... who said he was a fan of eclectic power pop. In my warped mind, these songs would all be pop classics and forced upon children at an early age.
CD | Mixed Genre
A CD for Julie. It started out as my favorite songwriters doing my favorite songs of theirs, plus a few tunes I thought she might like. She gives it a thumbs up, I'm a happy camper and life, as we know …
Cassette | Mixed Genre
My favorite songs from 1997, this is a mix tape that I used a mixer for ... for the most part the songs mix perfectly together with a few spotty train wrecks along the way. This copy was made for Julie …
Cassette | Mixed Genre
I made this for Julie who wanted to trade tapes. It's got some great songs to make you move and some awesome sing-along songs too. Not that I would ever be caught dead singing "Solitaire" alone in my c …
CD | Theme - Road Trip
I also managed to throw "Wesley Willis" by Wesley Willis on the end to close the disc out. This is a wild scattershot mix that I have a feeling will keep me and two other guys entertained on our way to …
CD | Theme - Road Trip
I made this for a road trip I took with the wife to Florida for our 11th anniversary. This has a number of songs that we have both grown to love over the years and is just a mellow mix to groove along  …
CD | Mixed Genre
Whenever I make a tape or CD for a friend, one of these tunes inevitably sneaks its way onto the recording. These are my favorite songs of the '90s, and quite possibly, all time.
CD | Theme
All love songs recorded live in concert. The one-two-three punch of Roy Orbison will send chills up your spine. Perfect for a quiet evening with a bottle of champagne, a ferociously hot number sitting  …
CD | Theme - Road Trip
3:15- 4:30 a.m. Blasts from the pasts keep the brain enzymes flowing. Is there such a thing as brain enzymes??