
Member Since: 7/5/2001
Total Mixes: 136
Total Feedback: 977

comicspace! yeah yeahhh http://www.comicspace.com/jab

jab's Mixes

jab's Favorite Mixes

jab's Mixes

Cassette | Single Artist
i loves me some fishbone. along with faith no more, and shudder to think, theyve raised me from my youth into a happy little music boy. ive had this mix around awhile (well, a half year...not really th …
Cassette | Mixed Genre
mix made for a friend off to school, to clear the mind and soundtrack the thought to drown out the car on the drive. always makes things go faster, ive found. yay music.
Cassette | Single Artist
for someone wanting to be introduced to the beauty that is p5. this easily could have been 4 120 min. tapes, but it's better not to scare someone right off, right? don't answer that. :)
Cassette | Mixed Genre
yay. a mix for daisy for her newfound driving pleasures. just a bunch of songs (i hope) will be fun to drive to. it wa originally intended to start hard, get slow, and end hard, but , as ive found, not …
Cassette | Theme - Narrative
classic story boy meets girl girl and boy fall in love and are destined for insanity roller coasters and banana peels. break up, but still see each other...anger anamosity grows, one year later speech  …
Cassette | Mixed Genre
a mix made to sing and drive safely over the speed limit with. Solid!!
Cassette | Single Artist
a saint etienne mix (obviously) that i made for a friend. I blatently pinched the title of the mix from the name of a st. et. website (sorry! no harm right?) it just sounds so perfect. anyways, i like  …
Cassette | Mixed Genre
a little mix i made for my friend's wife. two great bands that taste strangly good together, the big chocolate bar in the big tub of peanut butter like in the commercials from my youth. delicious.
Cassette | Single Artist
i honestly have no clue where the name of the mix comes from. maybe a lyric? i have no clue, but it is what it is, so...anyway, pavement. can't go wrong with the pavement.