
Member Since: 7/19/2001
Total Mixes: 32
Total Feedback: 20

you just have to be who you are http://www.livejournal.com/users/star_power

oOstarpowerOo's Mixes

oOstarpowerOo's Favorite Mixes

oOstarpowerOo's Mixes

CD | Theme - Sleep
...songs to be played when the moon is high...
CD | Theme
A compliation inspired by travel. A good hardcore road trip mix...songs about leaving home and coming back to it (safe and sound)
CD | Theme
A collection of happy, summer day tracks :) Perfect for summer!!!!!
CD | Mixed Genre
Did you ever think you'd see a Kenny Loggins song on this website??? Its a collection of the cheesiest/not so cheesiest songs from 80's movies. Everything from Top Gun...to Say Anything.
CD | Mixed Genre
Another mix of cool 80's tunes...
CD | Theme
* = secret songs. This mix is a compilation of songs that all have colors in the title. Another CD in the collection of CDs I'm making for a friend for her trip...
CD | Theme
This is the 7th CD of 12, that I'm mixing for my friend. Its the 80's mix full of fun songs! Perfect to rock out to (while wearing your Members Only Jackets...)
CD | Theme
Another mix for a friend who is going away for July...its a compilation in which all titles are girls names...except for Tracy Jacks by Blur, which is about a boy. ::pause:: Slight oversight on my part …
CD | Theme
Another mix for my friend who is going away in July. The Ewan McGregor track is a "secret song"
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