
Member Since: 7/21/2001
Total Mixes: 34
Total Feedback: 92

dave12345678's Mixes

dave12345678's Favorite Mixes

dave12345678's Mixes

MP3 Playlist | Singer/Songwriter
Part One of a two part Dan Bern Mix.
CD | Theme
Here's the thing. 1. A song from the last record you bought - Heard this song on XM and had to snag the album. 2. A blues: not a necessarily a blues record but a song that is labelled (something) blues …
CD | Theme
I'm sure there's a theme to this, but I don't really feel like looking for it.
CD | Mixed Genre
I mostly submitted this mix so people could give me suggestions as to what else I could get into that would go along with this. Thanks!
CD | Singer/Songwriter
2 of a 2 disc set. I like this one a lot better. folk music is the best kind, i am convinced.
CD | Singer/Songwriter
First cd in a 2 disc set. All my favorite folk tunes. Way too much Utah Phillips on this cd, but oh well.
CD | Mixed Genre
CD | Single Artist
this is a mix i put together of mostly new ani difranco stuff...a lot of the older songs on this mix are from her new live album so they're reworked with the horns to sound like newer songs...so they'v …
Cassette | Mixed Genre
this is a mix for abigail, my new aotm friend.
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