jaime b

Member Since: 7/22/2001
Total Mixes: 100
Total Feedback: 709

i like the musics!

jaime b's Mixes

jaime b's Favorite Mixes

jaime b's Mixes

CD | Alternative - Indie Rock
this cd is for kurt. he gets mad sometimes that i dont introduce him to new bands anymore, but whenever i'd play him one he hated, he's say, this sucks, how can you like this? so... anyway, i'm just gi …
CD | Theme
its about my favorite songs ever, the nicest prettiest ones. i was going to give it to my boyfriend's coworker thad, but he's kinda mean so i dont know if i will. anyway, it's super good.
CD | Alternative - Indie Rock
sept 04 indie pop cd swap.
Cassette | Mixed Genre
this tape was made for my boyfriend's co-worker, who seems to have excellent taste in music. anyway, while i am making a tape, the time during recording is spent doing various things.. alphabetising cd …
Cassette | Mixed Genre
this tape made for a friend who likes orange juice. when i looked them up at allmusic.com, i realised i have almost everything they've been compared to, influenced by, or had influence over. so yeah, i …
CD | Mixed Genre
i am not completely satisfied because the theme of this whole mix was a hilary duff song i just saw on mtv but since i'm gimpy with downloading music i could only find this one. anyway i put fun stuff  …
CD | Mixed Genre
this is a trade for the february indie pop list swap. lots of new stuff, a few old favorites. i still looove the wisdom of harry song but none of their other songs compare. other than that i can't even …
CD | Mixed Genre
i made this mix for ion moe. i hope he likes it. hi ion!
CD | Mixed Genre
i guess the milky song can only be described as "gratuitous" because i looove it and apparently it's shakira music... also, it inspired a little family bonding as my sister sang along to it cos she hea …
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