Michael Ryan

Member Since: 7/26/2001
Total Mixes: 70
Total Feedback: 6

Michael Ryan's Mixes

Michael Ryan's Favorite Mixes

Michael Ryan's Mixes

CD | Mixed Genre
I made this mix for my friend Nicole from work. The intro is off Rancid's "Life Won't Wait". ON a side note I hate Missy Elliott and Get Ur Freak On, but Nelly Furtado brings a whole new vibe to the so …
CD | Mixed Genre
I made this mix out of cd's that came out this year to represent some of the better stuff that I've heard in 2001. However, I feel as though I am neglecting some stuff that was release earlier this yea …
Mini-Disc | Mixed Genre
My uncle Terry made this mix for me about two years ago. It started my love affair with Parliament and I'd like to thank him for it and the other great songs he slapped together for me. -ABC
CD | Mixed Genre
This is a mix that my sister made for me to play on my radio show. It went over really well. -ABC
CD | Mixed Genre
I made this mix this morning using mp3's of older songs on my computer. The title refers to the response of a woman to the question, "What are you going to do with your tax refund?" that I read in the  …
CD | Hip Hop/Rap
We made this mix for our friend, Henry Swanson aka Jack Burton. We selected everything ourselves except for the Dilated song which was a request. You can probably guess where the title came from. -ABC
CD | Mixed Genre
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