
Member Since: 3/10/2004
Total Mixes: 4
Total Feedback: 0

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mickeyc's Mixes

mickeyc's Favorite Mixes

mickeyc's Last Three Mixes Posted

CD | Theme - Alternating DJ
This is less of a break up mix and more of a "I really, really, really hope you're alive right now" mix. Needless to say, she's pulled a real number on me and on herself. The themes of these songs don' …
MP3 Playlist | Theme - Road Trip
This is the second half of my "drive really far" experiment, in which I am going to drive, from San Francisco, down the coast until the mix ends at which point I will spend some time wherever I end up. …
MP3 Playlist | Theme - Road Trip
I made this mix long. My intention is to drive from San Francisco down the coast of California for about three and a half hours or so and stop whenever the mix does and hangout wherever I've ended up f …

mickeyc's Last Three Favorite Mixes

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