Shane Brown

Member Since: 4/17/1999
Total Mixes: 272
Total Feedback: 299

If you like a mix cd just use it to create your own mix cd or at times a cassette as I do still make them as my car has both a tape & cd deck.

Shane Brown's Mixes

Shane Brown's Favorite Mixes

Shane Brown's Mixes

CD | Mixed Genre
The Dayton Affair has returned to performing Rocky Horror starting with this Easter weekend! Cd made to be played while people are entering the theater. A collection of electro-goth,industrial and danc …
CD | Jazz
Made for a friend of my wife who is getting married in a few weeks and begged my wife for a cd similar to the cd I made for a fellow co-worker (Wedding Day Jazz) but not dead on with it... This is the  …
Cassette | Theme - Alternating DJ
This is bouncing back and forth between my wife and I - Please no comments on whats missing because there is about 100songs or so that was considered but didnt make it... Made to listen to while we pla …
Cassette | Theme
This is actually a 2 cd set but I didnt want to separate the 2 cd's on a listing - It was made for a friend at work who wanted a Joan of Arcadia soundtrack but there isnt one in existance. There was a  …
CD | Theme
This is a good follow up to the Bloody Mary's electro metal mix for T.M. Black. I usually turn the music for the game off due to repetition and wanted to make a good background soundtrack cd. Didnt wan …
CD | Dance - House
Series of single track line in's ran into my computer system to test and see how certain live mixes sound as well as how certain tracks do (or in a few cases on here) do not run well into eachother. Al …
CD | Alternative - Goth Rock
Finally a label for goth mixes... no more logging them under depression. This mix takes a slight rollercoaster effect. Starting out dancable and electro goth and moving into a slower and more eerie sta …
CD | Jazz
Originally made as a lullaby cd for my baby which I didnt list because the tracks was very close to my smooth jazz for a rainy day mix. This mix was the result of re-working it and leaving a few songs  …
Cassette | Theme
Made to play through the month of December... Having a new child gives Christmas a sort of new life which caused the inspiration for this mix. A huge array of artists and genre's all celibrating a wond …
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