avant gardening's Mixes

Cassette | Experimental
after a lengthy absence i have re-acquired a computer, praise allah. so this joint is around 119 minutes long. experimental and folky with a little noise thrown in for good measure. a little more than  …
Cassette | Experimental
a noisy affair. interspersed with moments of pretty. then more noise. 119:55 running time. lookout. i couldn't find the tracklisting to that kill me tomorrow cd, sorry.
CD | Mixed Genre
whoa..i've been gone for a long time (no computer), but here's a recent mix, mostly noisy, all good.
CD | Theme
there's no real significant meaning behind the theme, i've only been involved with a jenny, out of all the names on here, and love, that was not. i just thought it would be a cool idea, and it came out …
CD | Theme - Alternating DJ
...back to my noisier/aggressive roots...call it controlled chaos.
CD | Theme - Alternating DJ
man, i've been gone for a couple of months, but alas, i have returned. this is about half instrumental half folky/psych/droney songs with vocals. a bit of an eastern european influence on a couple of t …
CD | Dance - Hardcore
mostly hardcore, there's also some noisy, spazzy, and other stuff too. guaranteed to piss off your parents, unless you're like 4 years old, then maybe they'd like it.
CD | Jazz - Avant-Garde Jazz
alrighty...description...hmmm...ten songs of an instrumental nature, interspersed with folky/singer-songwritery songs...with touches of jazz and a bluesy moment(it's pretty much just the tom waits song …
CD | Mixed Genre
man, this is fucking rad. my kind of oldies. has a great deal of british artists on it, me likey. does anyone else think it's rad that i followed 1969 up with vietnamese baby..man i rule.
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