
Member Since: 3/27/2004
Total Mixes: 61
Total Feedback: 6

junkstory's Mixes

junkstory's Favorite Mixes

junkstory's Mixes

CD | Mixed Genre
Made this the day after my sister died. It's a curious combination of happy and sad, made mostly for comfort. Alternates between vocal and instrumental tracks.
CD | Mixed Genre
Intentionally laid back.
CD | Theme - Romantic
Unlike the first LOVESICK, which captured loving someone from far away, part two is about being close but not close enough.
CD | Theme - Romantic
Deals strictly with love of the unrequited type. Also abides by a rule of gentleness, in sound and lyric.
CD | Electronic - Ambient
Originally termed the 'Violet UK wannabe mix'. Thirsting for more VUK, I put together a collection that, when played from start to finish, gives the pleasant illusion of hearing an entire VUK album.
CD | Theme
Songs that sound good in the background of drinking and laughing.
CD | Mixed Genre
The point of this mix was to capture the essence of my enormous city, Los Angeles. Hence the eclectic nature of it.
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