
Member Since: 9/13/2001
Total Mixes: 14
Total Feedback: 14

heartspumpdust's Mixes

heartspumpdust's Favorite Mixes

heartspumpdust's Mixes

Cassette | Theme - Romantic
this is the second mix made for me by scotti. the mood is a lot more mellow than the last. i'm so in love with this tape. for real. it's bomb.
Cassette | Mixed Genre
the follow up to the first tony tape.
Cassette | Pop
this was made for me by a friend named tony, he was certain i'd make the best brit pop girl.
Cassette | Alternative - Indie Rock
this mix was made for me by a friend, named ryan, that wanted to get me into some of the bands he liked. as it just so happens i fell in love with quite a few of the bands on this tape. ps- his band is …
Cassette | Alternative - Indie Rock
this mix tape was made for me by my pal scotti. to introduce me into "real" emo. it is a great mix. and he also did a wonderful job of making the cover. by far one of the best mix tapes i've recieved.
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