
Member Since: 10/1/2001
Total Mixes: 60
Total Feedback: 39

deucepm's Mixes

deucepm's Favorite Mixes

deucepm's Mixes

Cassette | Mixed Genre
I did this mix in high school. Gee, it doesn't show, does it?
Cassette | Mixed Genre
It seemed like a good idea at the time. Though why putting the first half of Zevon's eponymous album on the last half of a mix was a good idea is beyond me.
Cassette | Mixed Genre
So named because this tape managed to get snarled up inside so badly that I had to open it up to fix it.
Cassette | Mixed Genre
This one's from 1997, done right after moving out of North Carolina. I lived there for six months during my internship, and I still have nightmares about the place. I'm just sayin'.
Cassette | Mixed Genre
Another mix from a couple of years ago. Don't that swing revival seem way back in the past now?
Cassette | Mixed Genre
Puny mix. Hulk smash. The Prisoner quote and the Rage song ("FUCK YOU I WON'T DO WHAT YA TELL ME!") fit together pretty good.
CD | Mixed Genre
Two words: Ran. Dom. I doubt my own sanity.
CD | Theme
Cheesy-ass songs in which asses are kicked. I am an imbecile, because track #2 was supposed to be "Kick Some Ass" by Stroke 9, but it isn't. Because I SUCK.
CD | Theme - Romantic
This is almost a narrative, or at least it turned out that way, about a couple who keep breaking up and getting back together...
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