
Member Since: 10/14/2001
Total Mixes: 74
Total Feedback: 238

I have a map. I have a highlighter. I am an aimless wanderer. I am a hobo. I bring mixes in the car to break up the monotony. Sometimes, a passenger who gives good convo would be nice. A good soundtrack is key.

take me somewhere nice . . .

victoreatworld's Mixes

victoreatworld's Favorite Mixes

victoreatworld's Mixes

CD | Theme - Sleep
80-minute CD. Title is from a line from "Un Coeur En Hiver." Even though this mix looks fairly contemporary, the flow doesn't disappoint. Projektor is a dreamy E-Bow band from Winnipeg. Emilie Simon, I …
CD | Mixed Genre
On an 80-minute CD. For Media Vixen: Radio Sally. And I really really hope she likes it. I was stuck on making her a mix as well as a summer road trip mix. I put in a lot of Canadian indie-pop, because …
CD | Mixed Genre
On an 80-minute CD. Track 15 was supposed to be "Take It Away," by Howie Beck, but for some reason, it didn't make it. Songs of love-lornedness(I made that word up!), bitterness, lethargy and hope. Jus …
MP3 Playlist | Theme
This clocks in at a quick 47 minutes. Just finished re-reading, "Last Days Of Summer," by Steve Kluger, and put this on random, just to fill the background. Tried to capture the timeline of the book, a …
CD | Mixed Genre
80-min cd. Two reasons: I needed something new for the commute, and I'm slowly trying to purge out my hard drive. Title is from the Deftones track.
CD | Theme - Romantic
On an 80-min CD. This is for the girl I'm going to marry. I haven't met her yet, but she will love this. She'll really find that the 2 Live Crew track is the standout of this mix. I'm still a romantic  …
CD | Mixed Genre
On an 80-minute CD. Always somewhat transportation-oriented, always with a heavy heart. Title is from The Donnas song, but Joatmon's mom whispered that line into my ear and I got scared and turned on a …
CD | Theme - Break Up
On an 80-minute CD. The nucleus of this was derived from an old mix that I was going to drive off a cliff to. This was before I joined AOTM, when I knew how to really make a break-up mix. Look at me no …
CD | Mixed Genre
Okay. So the big mix giveaway is over. I gave you guys about 18 hours to bone up on your baseball trivia, and surprisingly enough, a lot of you guys came through(and a couple of you guys just stole ans …
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