
Member Since: 5/18/1999
Total Mixes: 32
Total Feedback: 113

vivoo12's Mixes

vivoo12's Favorite Mixes

vivoo12's Last Three Mixes Posted

CD | Pop
my best friend made me this for my new bedroom/apt. she used my cds but it turned out she wasn't familiar with most of them. so she picked out mostly old mainstream stuff to make us feel all nostalgic  …
CD | Theme - Sleep
I needed this. Sleep is something I have to catch up on. I realized that going out 6 nights in one week makes me feel horrible. Most of the time I need my 8 hours of Zzz's. Sleep, mmm. Sleep is goood.
CD | Theme - Romantic
for my trade w/ Sean, who submitted a very cool romantic mix a while back. this was gonna be really cute and sweet all throughout, however i didn't remember the lyrics to "Delicious" until after i alre …

vivoo12's Last Three Favorite Mixes

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