
Member Since: 11/2/2001
Total Mixes: 191
Total Feedback: 130

Marsicano's Mixes

Marsicano's Favorite Mixes

Marsicano's Mixes

MP3 Playlist | Mixed Genre
Today's edition of the series, and a more anthemic mix this time around.
MP3 Playlist | Mixed Genre
Finished earlier in the afternoon of 4/5/06, but not posted until now. This volume seems a tad mellow to me. I apologize for the pun linking two certain tracks back to back...
MP3 Playlist | Mixed Genre
Five more mixes to go in the original series... and one of the more eclectic ones in the "box set" to date.
MP3 Playlist | Mixed Genre
Did today's (#34) and tomorrow's (#35) volumes simultaneously 'cause I was on a roll... 'nuff said.
MP3 Playlist | Mixed Genre
Volume 33 and still going strong. Other than that, I'm at a loss for words - but not at a loss for mixes.
MP3 Playlist | Mixed Genre
The home stretch! Today (April 1) would have been D. Boon's birthday so the opening and closing cuts were picked to mark the occasion. Longest track count of the series yet, too.
MP3 Playlist | Mixed Genre
Nine more to go in the original series. Yes, folks - illness be damned - I am going to keep this series going!
MP3 Playlist | Theme - Alternating DJ
A day late in posting 'cause I have a badass cold (complete with bacterial infection, oh boy oh boy) and my quack perscribed me a cough syryp with codeine in it, so I was pretty much in the twilight zo …
MP3 Playlist | Mixed Genre
Back on schedule with the latest intallment of the Lent Can Get Bent series. Almost at the 3/4 point and I'm enjoying this project immenesely.
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