
Member Since: 6/8/2004
Total Mixes: 15
Total Feedback: 14

TheCIsSilent's Mixes

TheCIsSilent's Favorite Mixes

TheCIsSilent's Mixes

CD | Mixed Genre
I have the whole house to myself all weekend, and have decided to make myself useful by tidying it up a bit. This mix could probably also serve as a decent summer driving mix, should the need arise.
CD | Theme - Road Trip
Another mix inspired by my pal Diona and the strange looks we receive from our other friends when they hear us playing stuff like this in our cars. Neither one of us is "redneck" in the least, we just  …
CD | Mixed Genre
Jessica is a rad fuckin' chick. I assembled her a mix to try to expose her to some bands that I like that I bet she will too. I tried to get a nice mix of older and newer. Rock on, my friend.
CD | Country
If you ride w/Chrissy or Diona, this is a sample of what you're listening to, esse.
CD | Dance - House
Title taken from track one.
CD | Theme
An eclectic mix of calm, mellow songs to listen to in the car after a trying day.
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