james z

Member Since: 11/20/2001
Total Mixes: 119
Total Feedback: 11

james z's Mixes

james z's Favorite Mixes

james z's Mixes

CD | Theme
this was made for arturo.
Cassette | Mixed Genre
I made a significant move at the end of last year and left behind a person who'd become a good friend over the few months prior to then. We had some ups and downs as a result of miscommunication, but h …
Cassette | Mixed Genre
So... I had a lot of stuff for a tape and this is it. The A is more dance-oriented while the B has some twang. It should be an interesting listen when I get around to it.
Cassette | Mixed Genre
I have a long drive this weekend and wanted a new mix for my car, so I threw this together the other day. I haven't listened to it since mixing it, but I think it'll be pretty good.
CD | Theme - Alternating DJ
a friend of mine was supposed to make a mix for a friend of hers, but she's been busy and asked me to do it instead. so, i came up with this for a guy i only met when i gave it to him.
CD | Mixed Genre
CD | Mixed Genre
so, i have this friend that's been asking me for a northern soul mix for months. and i just hadn't gotten around to it because i'm lazy and i also lost a lot of my northern soul in a computer meltdown  …
Cassette | Mixed Genre
I have an excel file of sides ready to go on mixes, but many simply don't go well with the others. Since many mixes are just for myself, I decided to throw two random sides together.
Cassette | Mixed Genre
i've really been on a tear of making mixes because i'm warming up to a really important mix for someone who was once important to me and perhaps will be once again. anyway, this one's really easy with  …
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