
Member Since: 12/19/2001
Total Mixes: 125
Total Feedback: 357

munkee's Mixes

munkee's Favorite Mixes

munkee's Mixes

CD | Theme
R is also for running on empty. I will finish this soon. Oh, yes I will...
CD | Theme
This is more of a placeholder than anything else. I need to come up with more Q songs before I even begin to consider this one done.
CD | Mixed Genre
Just another sign that I need help. Saw Kermit in the store, thought "Rainbow Connection", stuck in head...then transfered obsession to Roy G Biv. This is an attempt to purge my mind of this train of t …
CD | Theme
the continuing tragedy of the Tinies...
CD | Theme
Was losing steam there but I think I'm back on track now. A Perfect Circle had to go on here as I just recently finished reading the Oresteia :)
CD | Theme
There are some rough transitions (Empty Spaces to Just) that need to be fixed but other than that this sounds pretty good :)
CD | Theme
It's all down hill from here. I foresee a stalling around Q and then again at X :)
CD | Theme
We've reached the halfway point. I put Oasis on this one because it (the guitars) sound eerily like R.E.M.'s 'The One I Love'. The Pixies and Foos are here for there tribute to primates.
CD | Theme
The Edward Gorey series continues.
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