
Member Since: 12/28/2001
Total Mixes: 44
Total Feedback: 6

Kristen12345's Mixes

Kristen12345's Favorite Mixes

Kristen12345's Mixes

CD | Theme
Well, the last mix went over like a lead balloon.. I have found a new boy to be intersted in anyway and I was thinking of giving it got some of my favorite songs on there. Then there are some message s …
CD | Theme
This is a cd I have made to take with me to my ex-boyfriends house when I show up with a bottle of Jose and some salt and limes...So we can hash out the shit of the last year and 1/2
CD | Theme
This is a mix I made the other day, it was just something to listen to while I surf the internet and then I burned it to listen in to my car!!! Oh well!!
CD | Theme - Break Up
this is a mix that I made on finding out the love of my life has moved on finely and has a new girlfriend.. I should be over him by now but we had this little thing going even after we had broken up... …
CD | Mixed Genre
A CD to get drunk to...most of since I am alone...
CD | Mixed Genre
I may be uprooting my whole life to run to a little beachtown, I be leaving behind some friends all my family and a boy that does nothing but confuse me..
CD | Theme - Break Up
This is a mix for breaking up with the love of my life.. We have been on again off again for about a year and half... I fell hard for him the first time he held my hand because he made me feel so safe. …
Cassette | Mixed Genre
My Boyfriend is going to be an across the road truck driver so he will be gone for 3-6 weeks at a time then only home for 2-3 days I just hope that these tapes help him NY to SF is the to biggest citie …
CD | Mixed Genre
This is one of the cd that I am giving to my boyfriend when he leave for his month on a training truck he is going to be a truck driver and we are starting a long distance relationship I have a feeling …
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