Jonathan Evans

Member Since: 1/8/2002
Total Mixes: 3
Total Feedback: 0

Jonathan Evans's Mixes

Jonathan Evans's Favorite Mixes

Jonathan Evans's Last Three Mixes Posted

Cassette | Mixed Genre
This is the third mix for Rebecca. It reflects a different approach... I think that it's more style over substance, but it's always in the mix. I dig it. According to the lyrics, my subconscious is try …
Cassette | Mixed Genre
This is the second mix tape for Rebecca. I had a difficult time finding songs that would compliment "Pink Frost." This tape was a labour of love from start to finish... hopefully it has evolved into so …
Cassette | Mixed Genre
The first in a series of tapes for my friend Rebecca. She often listened to this one, so I felt compelled to make another...

Jonathan Evans's Last Three Favorite Mixes

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