
Member Since: 8/24/2004
Total Mixes: 98
Total Feedback: 32

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lastyearsgirl_'s Mixes

lastyearsgirl_'s Favorite Mixes

lastyearsgirl_'s Mixes

CD | Theme
Both this and its partner mix will be up for download at my blog,, until the end of January (give me a couple of hours to get them up though!)
CD | Pop
Christine HAD to know she was getting one of these when she told us she was going to a new job, surely? (I've tried to include: something by every band I rave about that makes the work go "eh", some st …
CD | Theme
Also for a Boy - the last one went down so well that I just had to make another one. And this time there's a loose theme of sorts - from the (detailed) acompanying tracklisting: ""it was half-accidenta …
CD | Pop
This is for a Boy.
CD | Pop
K's second birthday mix - the "acoustic" part. I may come to regret using up that Mountain Goats lyric as a title.
CD | Pop
Part one of K's birthday mix and I couldn't resist - you should SEE what his party playlist consists of. Anyone who'd put the Magic Numbers near ANYTHING that isn't a bin should be shot.
CD | Pop
Part 2 of 2.
CD | Pop
First of a two-part mix for a Proper Grown-Up friend of mine...
CD | Pop
I somehow volunteered myself for a mix-trade with a master, and her contribution made me sigh. If this goes down half as well, then that's something.
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