Member Since: 9/9/2004
Total Mixes: 56
Total Feedback: 11

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The Life of Sam Miller - My new favorite Site http://sammiller.8m.com/sammiller.html

LP's Mixes

LP's Favorite Mixes

LP's Mixes

CD | Theme
A few rules: All song titles start with F One song per artist Songs must flow together If Johnny Cash and Mos Def end up on the same mix while still flowing right, it is a successful mix.
CD | Theme
All the songs' titles start with the letter "E". One song per artist per mix. The songs must flow into eachother. This is Part E. Stay tuned for Part F.
CD | Theme
Every song's title starts with the letter "D". Get it? Good. Note: These aren't necessarily my favorite songs that start with "B". The method of my madness is just that I plug in songs that happen to f …
CD | Theme
Every song's title starts with the letter "C". Get it? Good. Another good mix, got some underground hip hop, some Pink Floyd and some Blur. What more can you ask for? Note: These aren't necessarily my  …
CD | Theme
Every song's title starts with the letter "B". Get it? Good. Note: These aren't necessarily my favorite songs that start with "B". The method of my madness is just that I plug in songs that happen to f …
CD | Theme
Every song's title starts with the letter "A". Get it? Good. I count this as a successful mix because I managed to get underground Rahzel, Johnny Cash and At The Drive In all in the same mix--while sti …
CD | Theme - Depression
My mix for my current mood--feeling alone like no other. Again, it took a while to get the sequencing perfect: and not all the songs are exactly about loneliness, but they still convey the mood of the  …
CD | Theme
Good mix to chill out to. Some of the songs may up in tempo during the middle, but always come back down at the end. Good music to listen to when you have nothing better to do.
CD | Mixed Genre
Mix #4. I had to reuse Take a Walk on the Wild Side. I just had to.
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