
Member Since: 9/10/2004
Total Mixes: 75
Total Feedback: 9

vampedvixen's Mixes

vampedvixen's Favorite Mixes

vampedvixen's Mixes

CD | Theme
My inner history geek came out on this one. Hey, it's what I majored in in college. My original idea for this mix was to have a song for each major war America has fought. Then I found that I needed mo …
CD | Theme
A fellow member of the mixthemes community on LJ was needed a mix for a situation she was in. Here's what she needed, in her words, "I haven't found a place yet to live with my boyfriend and our lease  …
CD | Theme - Narrative
Made for the April challenge at love_postal on LJ. The theme was: 'The basic principle behind this theme is to take two seperate artists (or bands) and set them up against each other lyrically and melo …
CD | Theme
A mix I put together for love_postal on LJ. The theme was 'Vocabulary Building'. The directions stated: "Basically, you look for songs that cleverly and effectively use 'larger than your average word'. …
CD | Theme
I used to have a whole list of songs that went with each tarot card, but geocities decided to delete my account for some reason so I needed to redo the list. I pouted for a bit, until I realized that t …
CD | Theme
One of my friend's nicknames is Sheepy. She did me a huge favor once so I repaid it by making her a cd based on her nickname. This has got to be THE most BIZARRE mixes I've EVER made. Just.. really.. s …
CD | Theme - Narrative
Darla/Angel: Overview Darla was a vampire who was sired by the Master and became a member of his brethren. Her time on time on the show Buffy was short but her role was a pivotal one: she was the vampi …
CD | Theme - Romantic
A collection of my favorite romantic songs, most of which have a story behind them that make them even more special to me. For instance, I got my first kiss while listening to the Bruce Springstein son …
CD | Theme - Narrative
A mix I made for a WB show that got cancelled after its third season. :(
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