
Member Since: 9/22/2004
Total Mixes: 71
Total Feedback: 16

suburbangoth's Mixes

suburbangoth's Favorite Mixes

suburbangoth's Mixes

Cassette | Theme
60 minutes. a summery mixtape i made a few years ago that i now hate, especially the weezer and rilo kiley, so i will be re-recording it to replace those songs and prolly get rid of some of the bright  …
Cassette | Theme
90 minutes. a compilation of two previous winter mixes - "a whiter shade of winter" and "another shade of winter." originally made for my friend jessica for a trade via livejournal.
Cassette | Theme
60 minutes. another winter mixtape, as i hope you might be able to guess.
Cassette | Theme
60 minutes. a mix i made for my friend krystle for her 21st birthday. i broke some of my own rules about repeating artists, and the track listing turned out a bit more morbid than i originally intended …
CD | Single Artist
i made this mix a couple years ago for my friend mary, who doesn't have a tape deck. she wanted to hear more bright eyes, so i made her a compilation of everything up until then
Cassette | Theme
i believe this one's 60 minutes. the theme, obviously, is songs with colorful titles.
Cassette | Mixed Genre
90 minutes. title comes from the beth orton song on side b. the two edited songs are just cut short by me; sonic youth right after the main part of the song before the noise, and the …
Cassette | Theme
60 minutes. title comes from the faint song on side a. i made this mix for my friend ryan, to help keep him sane at his shitty temp job. i should hope the theme would be kinda obvious.
Cassette | Theme
110 minutes. an all-girl mix made for my friend james that never actually got to him .
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