
Member Since: 10/14/2004
Total Mixes: 96
Total Feedback: 37

kranium33's Mixes

kranium33's Favorite Mixes

kranium33's Mixes

CD | Mixed Genre
A mix I made for my girlfriend. It's partly composed of stuff I've been listening to lately and partly old standards that she should know (if she doesn't already). I got the Byrds' Boxed Set (Columbia/ …
CD | Mixed Genre
CD | Theme
I made this mix for my girlfriend. Many old standards for me, but I doubt she knows much of it. Hope it goes over well.
CD | Theme
I'm not sure what brought this on, but there is alot of political and social anger in this mix. Yes, I voted for Bush and yes, I would do it again.
CD | Theme - Romantic
Many of my old standards, but damn theyre all so good. Could this denote a change in perspective for me? Only time will tell.
CD | Mixed Genre
Guess which song the title is from. I like this mix alot. It's mostly old stuff, but that wasn't really on purpose. It just happens that way, I suppose.
MP3 Playlist | Single Artist
MP3 Playlist | Mixed Genre
CD | Theme
Yet another mix in my series of mixes for women. I'm running out of ideas. The girl in question probably knows little of these songs (if any), but she'll probably like most of it. I hope so anyway... A …
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