
Member Since: 11/8/2004
Total Mixes: 25
Total Feedback: 52

burntdragon's Mixes

burntdragon's Favorite Mixes

burntdragon's Last Three Mixes Posted

Cassette | Mixed Genre
This is one of the many of the mix tapes that I made for my eventual soon to be ex-wife. I just happened to think this one was too good to let her keep so I stole it back. You must remember that this w …
Cassette | Mixed Genre
Another tape that I made for myself back in around '90-'91 (I didn't date it like I normally do.). It sort of frightening see songs from way back in the day that I'm still using to this day. I guess it …
Cassette | Electronic - Industrial
This is a tape that I made for myself way back on the dates of 4/26-27/90. It's mostly "Industrial" with a "Punk" bent to it. It was a tape to get drunk, stoned and aggressive to while riding around wi …

burntdragon's Last Three Favorite Mixes

CD | Theme
Just Great

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