
Member Since: 12/12/2004
Total Mixes: 18
Total Feedback: 2

PurpleCow's Mixes

PurpleCow's Favorite Mixes

PurpleCow's Mixes

CD | Theme
A sequel, of sorts, to my "It Sucks To Be Me" mix - a bunch of songs that never fail to cheer me up. Most of them are showtunes, some of them pretty obscure. Enjoy! :)
CD | Mixed Genre
When I go on long car trips, I jump from radio station to radio station... here are a few of the songs I heard on my latest car trip!
CD | Mixed Genre
I nearly put this under "Depression" but it would most likely be vastly different from most of the other Depression mixes. These are my feel-good songs. The songs I listen do when I'm upset about life. …
CD | Theme - Romantic
My romantic showtunes mix I made February of '03 - one for every day in that month.
CD | Theme - Romantic
And the fifth and (so far) last of the URLSCDs. This one I actually have not made yet because I don't have copies of any of these songs, although I know them. them. I suppose I'll have to go out and hu …
CD | Theme - Alternating DJ
And... number four of the URLSCDs, possibly my favorite of the bunch.
CD | Theme - Romantic
And installment number three of the URLSCDs... and there are more coming, yup yup!
CD | Theme - Romantic
My second installment of the "URLSCDs"... the UnRequited Love Showtunes CDs. :) There are five of them so I'll keep the lists coming!
CD | Theme - Romantic
Showtunes have some of THE best unrequited love songs!! I've made five CDs of great URL showtunes, and this is the first of them. Whenever I can get these pages up, I'm going to link to pages with midi …
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