p the swede

Member Since: 2/27/2002
Total Mixes: 242
Total Feedback: 6570

p the swede's Mixes

p the swede's Favorite Mixes

p the swede's Mixes

CD | Blues - Classic Blues
just something before i start to sum up the end of the year list.
CD | Theme
The other night I was down to Stockholm to see what become one of the best shows I've ever seen, The Dexys midnight runners, it was really not what I expected but I love every minute and Kevin Rowland  …
CD | Blues
This is not a mix,I haven't find all the songs yet but in this way I try to get some help from some of you out there who may have the songs I still miss, esp 7 and 20 and I put out because I know some  …
CD | Blues - Classic Blues
just another dose of funk for the people that understand the groove
CD | Blues - Classic Blues
just vol 2
CD | Blues - Classic Blues
watch out, I'm in a real funky groove right now, a lot of jazz stuff here, hope you all like it maybe vol 2 shows up in a day or two
CD | Reggae
Just a follow up to my friend Mike the pikes fine "War" mix , this is in Reggae style and I only need to Quote MR Bob Marley " Until the philosophy which hold one race superior And another Inferior Is  …
CD | Mixed Genre
nick thet cool idea from Gerry, this is my contribution, I'm pretty pleased with that ending match the start ;)
CD | Mixed Genre
lets do a last one, another imaginary one before I start to do some real mixes on my short autumn break from work 1. A song from the last record you bought 2. A blues: not a necessarily a blues record  …
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