lust and hygiene

Member Since: 1/4/2005
Total Mixes: 23
Total Feedback: 1

lust and hygiene's Mixes

lust and hygiene's Favorite Mixes

lust and hygiene's Last Three Mixes Posted

CD | Theme
So about a week ago a very dear friend of mine told me she was moving away next week or so. this is sort of a goodbye mix. the songs aren't really about that though. they're just good songs that I thin …
CD | Theme
I recently joined a "mix tape club" where you make a mix every month about a theme, and put it in a big box and take someone else's. the only problem is that this month's theme is "your personal soundt …
CD | Theme - Cover Songs
i realized i hadn't made a covers mix before, and my friend's birthday was coming up so i decided to try it out. i tried to juggle these "rules" 1. flow 2. original artists are grouped together (e.g. a …

lust and hygiene's Last Three Favorite Mixes

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