
Member Since: 1/26/2005
Total Mixes: 3
Total Feedback: 0

jynnan_tonnyx's Mixes

jynnan_tonnyx's Favorite Mixes

jynnan_tonnyx's Last Three Mixes Posted

CD | Theme
A semi-random assortment of songs, grouped more or less in a way that, to me, suggests themes of death and rebirth, like the mythical Phoenix rising from the ashes. Or, more generally, personal perseve …
CD | Theme
Basically a bunch of random songs I downloaded from iTunes and wanted to dump to CD. I was able to do it, however, in a way that gave a feeling of a concept: dreams, memories, the wistful spark of fair …
CD | Theme - Narrative
A while ago Pepsi had a promotion where certain soda caps could be redeemed for free song downloads on iTunes. Luckily, it was possible to tilt the bottle to see if the cap was a winner or not; I start …

jynnan_tonnyx's Last Three Favorite Mixes

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