
Member Since: 4/2/2002
Total Mixes: 38
Total Feedback: 9

bluesm's Mixes

bluesm's Favorite Mixes

bluesm's Mixes

CD | Mixed Genre
The fourth installment in the party compilation, sheena's party was a christmas party the day after halloween-fantastic!
CD | Single Artist
Some things just go together; ciggaretes and coffee, whiskey and Tom Waits records. I've discovered the perfect cure for the three o'clock blues; too bad for Sartre.
Cassette | Single Artist
As the Pumpkins are my favourite band i love listening to covers they do of other bands songs. These are some of my favourites. Most are live recordings with the excetion of one or two being album trac …
CD | Mixed Genre
Opens with a killer song that i just love. I'm a little sceptical bout nirvana and jeff beck choices but they always get people partying; therefore they're in. enjoy.
Mini-Disc | Mixed Genre
the second disc of the mix rocks a bit more than the first but is still mightly funky.
CD | Mixed Genre
the first in a collection of five party mixes i've made. a little for everyone i think.
CD | Mixed Genre
CD | Mixed Genre
the second part of a two disc set of which the first cd is called "im felling good". These are all songs that make me want to 1. have a sense of closure 2. cry like a baby 3. die horribly 4. sit around …
CD | Mixed Genre
they all either bring a smile to my face or make me wanna dance.
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