
Member Since: 4/13/2002
Total Mixes: 20
Total Feedback: 18

wrongwayup's Mixes

wrongwayup's Favorite Mixes

wrongwayup's Last Three Mixes Posted

CD | Mixed Genre
A mix I put together to celebrate my getting a job. OK, I hadn't actually gotten a job yet, but I figured I would eventually (I did) and I'd want something vaguely celebratory when I did. The other hal …
CD | Mixed Genre
Another clean-up mix. The sort-of title track (the other half isn't on the mix, cause I've listened to it to death) is one of those I've been listening to over and over again for the last couple weeks; …
CD | Single Artist
So after seeing murmandamus' Radiohead mix I started to think about how I'd make a 1CD sampler of their stuff, if I had to. Here's what I came up with; I tried to stick to their more melodic material.  …

wrongwayup's Last Three Favorite Mixes

Cassette | Mixed Genre
This would be worth it for the title alone, but the tracks involved have that killer eclectic vibe I like so much.
CD | Mixed Genre

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