drunk in august sun

Member Since: 6/22/2005
Total Mixes: 18
Total Feedback: 22

drunk in august sun's Mixes

drunk in august sun's Favorite Mixes

drunk in august sun's Last Three Mixes Posted

CD | Theme - Romantic
clocking in at 30:41, this is the shortest mix i've ever made. i tried to extend it, but everything else seemed like filler and didn't fit. this way it's pretty concice; the mix was made to make a poin …
CD | Theme - Road Trip
thrown together on a whim for tomorrow's short road trip. so poppy, it's borderline annoying.
CD | Mixed Genre
i made this mix for a boy i was sort of in love with, and later regretted not making it for someone more worthwhile. either way, a good mix from '06; i unearthed it earloer tonight, listened to it, and …

drunk in august sun's Last Three Favorite Mixes

CD | Theme
i really dig this one.

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