
Member Since: 4/28/2002
Total Mixes: 32
Total Feedback: 0

lugnut's Mixes

lugnut's Favorite Mixes

lugnut's Mixes

CD | Mixed Genre
First of a handful of discs. Contains some non-'80s material, but fuck it, it's close enough.
CD | Country
CD | Mixed Genre
CD | Mixed Genre
blah blah blah...these mixes really need a new title...
CD | Mixed Genre
Nothing much to say about this set of mixes, just a bunch of songs semi-randomly selected and placed. I pick all the "Stream of Consciousness" mixes pretty much by mood, so I think it will be interesti …
CD | Mixed Genre
Nothing much to say about this set of mixes, just a bunch of songs semi-randomly selected and placed. I pick all the "Stream of Consciousness" mixes pretty much by mood, so I think it will be interesti …
CD | Mixed Genre
Nothing much to say about this set of mixes, just a bunch of songs semi-randomly selected and placed. I pick all the "Stream of Consciousness" mixes pretty much by mood, so I think it will be interesti …
CD | Mixed Genre
Nothing much to say about this set of mixes, just a bunch of songs semi-randomly selected and placed. I pick all the "Stream of Consciousness" mixes pretty much by mood, so I think it will be interesti …
CD | Mixed Genre
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