
Member Since: 12/7/1999
Total Mixes: 42
Total Feedback: 246

Steiney_77's Mixes

Steiney_77's Favorite Mixes

Steiney_77's Mixes

CD | Mixed Genre
Part 2 of what started off as a silly little mix, but caught on with a circle of friends (mainly ladies)here who have kept part 1 in circulation (probably due to the outhere brothers tracks) Anyway mos …
Cassette | Mixed Genre
Just a bunch of songs I was reminiscing over the other day..this mix is the kind of stuff I was listening to in highschool...especially the FNM and Helmet (Page Hamilton used to be who I wanted to play …
CD | Pop
Soundtrack for a story about friends who are more than friends but not dating..when someone knows you so intimately they know that it would never work between the two of you but there is still a spark  …
Cassette | Mixed Genre
This mix is an attachment mix to an alternating DJ mix that I am working on at the moment, looks kinda odd on paper but flows really well...Enjoy
CD | Single Artist
A Bunch of rare Black Lab songs (except "Tell Me.." which was on the Can't Hardly Wait Soundtrack) that fill the void of knowing that as one of my all-time favorite bands they split up before their sec …
Cassette | Mixed Genre
Every song on here comes froma CD that was $5 or less (It pays to check the bargain bin), and I think only Culture Club was over $3...Most of these are bands that I knew of in some way (Mainly CMJ or r …
Cassette | Mixed Genre
Okay this is my list of shows that I saw in 2000..I think that I may have left one or two out but if I did they were probably local or i will add them later to the mix...A good year for me meeting band …
Cassette | Mixed Genre
A Long over due mix to be included with the Alternating DJ mix I am working on with Uncle Orca...Kinda eccentric..For those who don't know Jaco Pastorius is considered to be one of if not THE best Bass …
CD | Theme
I was thinking the other day how no one makes quality movies about lusting over someone then either getting them or getting someone else like they did in the 80's (ex. John Hughes Films, Say Anything,  …
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