
Member Since: 5/20/2002
Total Mixes: 28
Total Feedback: 10

Pimp Rock Palace

soulcoughi1's Mixes

soulcoughi1's Favorite Mixes

soulcoughi1's Mixes

Cassette | Theme
Its really hard to make a mix for someone you've never talked to. I generally live by the rule of no doubles but I figured if I was going to break it I might as well indulge myself. I desperately need  …
Cassette | Mixed Genre
(aka the 2nd Cindy tape) I can't remember why i made this besides the fact that I like to make another mix tape for a person after they give me one with stuff they might like on it based on their tape  …
Cassette | Mixed Genre
Apologies to Vex Red for the stolen title. Date done: Jan 25-26, 2003
Cassette | Mixed Genre
100 min version Edited and Remixed. Headphones required, marijuana recommended. Date done:Jan 24, 2003
CD | Theme - Depression
Good for what ails you. Date Done: 2000
Cassette | Theme
Music for the Tyler Durden generation (aka the pissed off white boy) Side One: The Root of all Evil Side Two: Searching for Answers Date Done:December 02
Cassette | Mixed Genre
(aka The first Cindy tape) Gave this tape to a girl because I felt bad that she had mono, hence the title. I like this mix a lot, better than the first two. Date Done:Oct 00
Cassette | Mixed Genre
(aka the second Christina tape) Still learning at this point. Got a good response from her on the first one so I just put wacky shit on this one I normally wouldn't. Second side is my attempt to conver …
Cassette | Mixed Genre
(aka the first Christina tape) First mix tape I made for a girl and it shows. I still like the idea of putting in movie bites in-between songs, which I have pretty much abandoned in subsequent tapes. K …
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