
Member Since: 9/3/2005
Total Mixes: 7
Total Feedback: 8

LostHighway's Mixes

LostHighway's Favorite Mixes

LostHighway's Last Three Mixes Posted

CD | Mixed Genre
Just a random, mopey mix. Don't hate on the Mandy Moore track, turns out it's kind of awesome in a singer-songwritery way.
CD | Theme
Songs that have sci-fi-esque titles. As for the nonexistent movie, I'm thinking it's some sort of 50's 3D attack of the 50 Foot Amazons/Zombies/Vampires/Aliens with Lasers. And, it's the least-country  …
CD | Theme
An unrequited love mix, inspired by the Hank Williams song that's track 20. Features a lot of country music, which we all know is the official music of heartbreak.

LostHighway's Last Three Favorite Mixes

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