
Member Since: 5/29/2002
Total Mixes: 35
Total Feedback: 17

DisorderSilence12's Mixes

DisorderSilence12's Favorite Mixes

DisorderSilence12's Mixes

CD | Mixed Genre
Im hoping she'll get the message with the first track (Chicks dig henry Rollins)
CD | Theme - Romantic
Short, Sweet mix for the punk rawk girl who has my heart on a string.
CD | Mixed Genre
"You can flush me down the tolliet like a baby alligator, but ill just keep eating shit and growing bigger" -Chuck Palaniuk Lulliby "Radio Disorder-Because Corperate Radio Sucks"
CD | Theme - Romantic
This is just a little mix i threw together for my girlfriend. Gah im so hopeless i swear. I probley wont even give it to her out of fear of her hating it.
CD | Mixed Genre
Wow, Um. Im...not...quite..sure how this came about. Having to be a teen kinda feels like being bi-pollar in its self. God i sound like my health teacher. This is just something i made to be fun to lis …
CD | Mixed Genre
CD | Theme - Break Up
My Second breakup\depresion mix over the same girl. I know, I know, im pathetic..But i feel like how i feel and what has happened since then is much better explained here. I think this is my greatest m …
CD | Mixed Genre
Just a short little mix i made showcasing the many sides and sounds of lou reed and the Velvet underground
Cassette | Mixed Genre
Just a mix i made for who has ever wanted or needed to be something or someone else, and all they can be is themselfs. This is my first mix with eminem, Im not a huge fan but the song sets the mood for …
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