
Member Since: 5/30/2002
Total Mixes: 75
Total Feedback: 68

TheOtherGirl12's Mixes

TheOtherGirl12's Favorite Mixes

TheOtherGirl12's Mixes

CD | Mixed Genre
CD | Mixed Genre
I made this for my friend MiLinda. We both have the same kind of problems with love, so I thought some of these songs would be good. The Sneaker Pimps song has to be one of my favorite.
CD | Mixed Genre
Same old story. Guy confusing me and stringing me along, and I can't get over him.
CD | Mixed Genre
All I have to say is this is one of my favorite mixes and I think it turned out rather well. The title of it is from the Blur song.
CD | Mixed Genre
All of these songs are the kind I daydream to, where I make my life how I want it to be in my head, kind of like what movies do. Except it will never be.
CD | Mixed Genre
So it's Valentine's Day again, and of course the person I want to be with won't be with me. So here is to you John, you motherf***** : )
CD | Theme - Depression
A lot of these tracks are from the Donnie Darko soundtrack. This mix is depressing but soothing at the sametime for me.
CD | Mixed Genre
Well I made this mix just throwing in songs that I liked a lot and I didn't want to make a depressive mix but I needed something to take my mind off things but not a happy mix...just a general feeling  …
CD | Mixed Genre
The title is from the Marianne Faithful song. I made this mix because I have a problem, I like this boy who is 21 and I'm 17 and he likes me but won't date me until I turn 18 which is in June. Makes no …
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