
Member Since: 6/3/2002
Total Mixes: 62
Total Feedback: 5

a lush until lately www.livejournal.com/~faerieem
The War Against Silence http://www.furia.com/twas
Ectophile's Guide to Good Music http://www.smoe.org/ectoguide

faerieem1's Mixes

faerieem1's Favorite Mixes

faerieem1's Mixes

CD | Mixed Genre
February 2002. The first compilation I made for my boyfriend, to whom I had been promising one for months. This is his winter cd.
Cassette | Mixed Genre
A Side: Dark Side B Side: Bright Side March 1999 -- I was tutoring this high school kid in geometry. He was an ass, and his 13 year old sister was well on her way to being a trash-queen. I figured I co …
Cassette | Mixed Genre
Side One: Summer Day in the Country Side Two: Summer Night in the City This was for my Biology Lab Partner, may 2001. He made me a cd, so I made him a tape of stuff I like and listened to regularly, pa …
Cassette | Mixed Genre
It's a best-friend tape for Laurel, who made me an absolutely spectacular tape which I have subsequently lost. July 2000.
Cassette | Mixed Genre
Dace had made me a Meat Puppets tape, and I was in LA, friendless and bored. So I made him a tape of whatever I had on hand. May 1999.
Cassette | Mixed Genre
My roommate's friend in Santa Barbara was a DJ for the UCSB radio station. He had good taste and suspected I did. I made him a tape, which he enjoyed. He reciprocated, and I have a single set of emo so …
Cassette | Mixed Genre
For Parker, in return for the tape he made me. I probably liked his better. But he got Elliott Smith off this, as well as that Michael Nyman song. August 1998.
Cassette | Mixed Genre
For Andy. We were not long from breaking up, actually. August 1998.
Cassette | Theme
Affectionately called "The Bitch Tape," this was my Christmas gift to my girlfriends from freshman year. Phi Bitches, man. January 1998.
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