
Member Since: 7/15/2002
Total Mixes: 14
Total Feedback: 32

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Powers's Mixes

Powers's Favorite Mixes

Powers's Mixes

Cassette | Mixed Genre
Another tape to educate a poor misguided MTV soul. Pray for me my brethren and sistren.
Cassette | Theme
Katie says to Jim, "Jim what did people listen to before the Sex Pistols?" Jim hands her this tape.
Cassette | Mixed Genre
My friend asked me for a tape from my vinyl stuff at a party so I went home afterwards, sat down, and made this. Newcastle Brown Ale + tapemaking= Rodney Dangerfield preceding DJ Assault followed by Th …
Cassette | Mixed Genre
For the same person as my prior tape. I have no idea why I deviated from the two song per-artist thing I had going on side one, I left the thing for a few days and totally forgot that's what I was doin …
Cassette | Mixed Genre
This is a tape I made for a girl who's idea of "alternative" music is what she reads about in SPIN and sees on MTV-2. I hope you think it's decent.
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